Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Making Sure Your Next Home Is Certified Mold Free!

When you are looking to buy a new home you often tend to create a list of "must haves." Things or features that you have determined are deal breakers when you buy a home. Most people list things such as "lots of cabinet space" or "updated bathroom. All of these things are perfectly great things to look for and these perks do increase your chances of selling your home. But there is something that you can do that might not be top of mind. The inspection!

Do you really know what an inspection could reveal about your home? In the south we get a lot of humidity, heat and moisture! Moisture and heat is a perfect environment to get some nasty things growing in your home! How do you know if you have mold? OK, so my bathroom flooded but I called the plumber and we put some box fans on it, that's OK right? Well, the simple answer to both of those questions is to call your local Certified Industrial Hygienist. An Industrial Hygienist can do air quality tests and find out if you have mold or something like Radon in your home.

No matter where you live there are several choices for inspectors. You can choose to do a general inspection--they do a great job doing a cursory over view of the property, or you can choose to have a hygienist take a more in-depth look. The general inspection will often reveal a presence of a problem. They will not however reveal the source or origin of the problem. If you want a more in detailed picture of your home problems it would be a great idea to contact your local Industrial Hygienist. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can do many things, and often time they do a lot of work in the manufacturing industry, BUT Hygienists are also great at finding unwanted house guests like mold, dust mites, Radon, and other allergens.

Maybe your general inspection found presence of mold, but you want to know more than just that you have mold! You want to know where the mold originated. How long has the mold been there? How do you get rid of mold? Does that mean I have a water or sewage issue? THIS is where you want to include your Industrial Hygienist. They can come out and conduct some air quality tests and see how prevalent the mold problem is.

Mold can make you sick. You don't want to buy a home or put a house up for sale if it has mold. I recommend that you get your house inspected, by a quality Hygienist so that you know as a buyer and as a seller that your home is mold and allergen free! You're buying a home, your dream home, and you've probably looked hard and saved up a lot of money to buy this home. Don't throw it all away by cutting corners and not getting a quality inspection. Don't know how to find a firm?

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3D Laser Scanning Services For Today's Architectural Needs

The digital age now means that it is possible to see any building in amazing digital 3D without leaving your computer. This is thanks to the great technical leaps forward in Laser Scanning, and particularly 3D Laser Scanning Surveying techniques and equipment that have meant that ever greater amounts of data can be handled very quickly to produce more accurate representations of any building or physical object.

But what exactly is Laser Scanning Surveying?

Essentially, when we are looking at the world through our own eyes we are collecting enormous amounts of visual and spatial data, which our brains then process into interpretive 3D images of the world around us.

Laser Scanning Surveying adopts exactly the same processes, only this time it is sophisticated machinery that are collecting the images, spatial and geometric data, and a computer processor that is doing the processing.

The result is a point in time, very large, 3D database which accurately represents the environment that has been scanned. The 'point cloud' laser scanning data is geometrically rigid and can be used and brings benefits to a multitude of end users.

So how does Laser Scanning Surveying Work?

The way this is achieved is by 'bombarding' the building, rail, tunnel, road or subject with millions of safe laser pulses to obtain precise measurement information. This is done by setting up 'state of the art' equipment that sends out these laser beam pulses that are designed to bounce off the subject and then be reflected back between two mirrors in the laser scanner.

This allows the scanner to measure three things very precisely:

1. The exact time it takes to bounce the beam back.

2. The horizontal angle of the beam as it returns

3. The vertical angle of the beam as it returns.

This simple sounding process in effect provides extremely accurate X, Y and Z co-ordinates of the surface or object the laser points hit. When repeated millions of times, these co-ordinates can then be processed by ' 3D point cloud software' and then can be exported into a variety of different 3D software - revit, autocad, microstation, 3D visualisation software that allows a precise 3D image of the building to be built up.

It is a high-tech process that produces amazing results and has applications not only in architecture, but anywhere where a digital representation of reality could be useful.

As a conclusion, what are the benefits of laser scanning technology?

There are as many as a fertile imagination can conjure in reality! But here are three immediate areas where laser scanning may be beneficial:

1. Accuracy - This process removes much of the human error that is often to blame for complications at the building stage of a project. A laser scanner does not get tired or make errors due to a heavy workload, so the results that it pumps out are much more dependable as well as being many times more accurate than normal surveying methods.

2. Speed - Measuring at 1,000,000 points a second enables an enormous of data to be collected very quickly. Information can be obtained almost instantly allowing decisions to be made at a greater speed than utilising traditional surveying techniques

3. Allows People to Focus on What People Do Best - The third big benefit of laser scanning is that it frees up people to focus on other aspects of a project and rids them of much of the tiresome burden of crunching the numbers. This almost inevitably leads to better designs, happier and more productive members of your team, and happier clients as the end results improve.

As you can, there are many great benefits of 3D Laser Scanning over traditional techniques, and it is well worth exploring for yourself if Laser Scanning Services are a good fit for your business.

Hiring and Managing a Home Renovation Contractor - The Do's and Don'ts   Radon Resistance Features and Detecting Test Interferences   What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

How to Inspect Your Home's Electrical System After A Hurricane

One of the most important things to focus after a hurricane is the electrical system and appliance. After a storm or hurricane, homeowners should only re-enter their homes once the floodwaters have receded. Avoid all contact with any electrical system if your home still stands in flood waters. But it is very important to inspect your home visually even from afar for any obvious damages that would make your home unsafe to enter. If you are unsure about the electrical safety of your home, it is best to evacuate the property and have a licensed electrician perform the inspection before proceeding with any home restoration.

If your home appears stable and an electrician has deemed it safe to enter, the next step is to check for electrical appliances or devices that are most often indicated by sparks or frayed wires and this should be done in partnership with the electrician. Fire is the most frequent accident following floods and hurricanes. So you have to first check for broken electrical circuits, submerged electrical appliances and furnaces since these are fire hazards. Make sure you visually check for broken or frayed wires in your electrical system. If you smell something burning or there are sparks, turn off electricity from the main fuse box or circuit breaker (again provided that you're not stepping on a flooded water).

When you see water and silt get inside your electrical devices after a hurricane, it means corrosion and insulation damage can occur. We all know that water is the number one enemy of any electrical appliances since it always damage its motors, so aside from restoring your electrical system and reconditioning it, you should also be ready to replace it.

Below are safety tips to help you rehabilitate, restore, and re-condition your home electrical system and your home appliances after the storm or the hurricane. It is recommended that you allow a licensed electrician to guide you on the restoration or replacement of any electrical equipment in your home:

1. Get the 'go-signal' from the electrician if your fuse or circuit breakers are safe to use. This is very important because damages to these can cause more electrical problems and cause even fire.

2. Make sure to only use the appliances when they already completely clean from silt and had dried out; and when the electrician tells you so;

3. Consider replacing your electrical wirings. If the electrical wirings and equipments got submerged in water, contaminants can create fire hazards. Sometimes professional cleaning won't help since the wires are most likely exposed to chemicals and toxins present in your neighborhood and are very difficult to remove;

4. Do not let power cord connections become wet;

5. Use portable GFCI (Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter) to prevent electrical shock injuries;

6. Discard GFCIs, plugs and switches, receptacles, circuit breakers, and fuses when they have been submerged in flood water;

7. Don't work with wet hands especially if it's concerning electrical devices;

8. Never use portable generator indoors or anywhere near doors, windows, and vents because it emits carbon monoxide (CO) which is very lethal when inhaled;

9. When you see your electrical appliance damage, don't turn on the device to check it, most likely it will not run as usual, you are only increasing the chance of fire in your home.

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When It Comes To Carpet Cleaning, It Is Never One Solution Fits All

It can be amazing to see what a difference a clean carpet can make in a room. You may look at your carpet now and notice a few small stains or marks, but you probably don't realise just how much the colour of your carpet has been faded with grime, dirt and dust and how much it can be revived to the bright and vibrant colour it once was when you first fitted it.

Carpet cleaning can therefore really help to spruce up a room. Rather than spending money on a new carpet or even new decor, often giving a carpet a truly good clean can make all the difference that you need to get your home back in order and on top form.

However, too many people believe that cleaning a carpet is a one size fits all approach. The fact of the matter is that different types of carpets behave in different ways, and different types of stains and dirt require different approaches in order to really get the best results.

For example, for small liquid or oily stains such as salad dressing or fats from foods, you should always opt for a spot and stain remover. These spot and stain removers have the chemicals that will break down these tough stains quickly and it is always advised that you use them as quickly as possible before they really set into your carpet.

For stickier messes such as spilling engine oil or oily make-ups and so on, you would probably want to try using a specialised cleaning solution and then follow up with a machine clean to really make sure that the stain is completely picked up and removed for good.

Of course, if you have children or pets, then stains such as urine can be quite common and in this case you would want to use a stain remover aimed at these sorts of bodily fluid stains. They will often also include an odour eliminator so that not only the visual stain is removed, but also the stain that you can smell too!

These sorts of specific spot cleaners are always advised for the small marks and stains that are inevitable at some stage in your carpets life. However, once you have removed all these marks and stains, the best way to then really bring your entire carpet back to sparkling life is to use a full carpet machine to clean the entire carpet. This will clean, refresh and revive your entire carpet in general and it can be surprising just how much brighter it can make your carpet.

Hiring and Managing a Home Renovation Contractor - The Do's and Don'ts   Radon Resistance Features and Detecting Test Interferences   What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Dealing With The Mould Menace

Nobody should live in a surrounding laden with mold because of the severe effects on your health which include skin ailments, allergies, infections in your respiratory tract, as well as asthma. If you are already ailing from any of these conditions then this might be a sign of trouble with your construction and you may need a mold inspection to be carried out by trained personnel. We may need to understand what mold is just before we embark on the inspection process. Molds usually consist of collection microscopic fungi referred to as spores and generally thrive on plants and animals. A building can get mold from the air, individuals can also carry mold, on objects and animals. They need food to develop and scatter which they get from non living organic matter like wood, cloth or paper. Moisture is another requirement for the mold to flourish and is promoted by low humidity conditions in the air. The mold is more widespread in colder weather as it is destroyed by intense heat beyond 100 degrees.

Moisture is usually troublesome in basements, when there is high interior humidity, clothes dyer ventilation system, crawl spaces and basically poor ventilation. Sick Building Syndrome is the term used where there is unhealthy air as well as associated respiratory effects on the regular room users. The above mentioned condition of sick building syndrome is majorly attributed to poor aeration of the room as well as unorthodox architectural works. The effect of the chemical emissions by various home crafting such as furniture and cleansing products contribute adversely to poor ventilation. The longest root of SBS is poor ventilation mostly due to chemical contaminants arising from cleaning agents and upholstery. Poor workmanship is also a great contributing factor.

There is a great concern about SBS with business buildings suffering a great deal. One thing you should know is that whenever you decide to have your home or place of work inspected, make sure you get a professional as you can be sure the right qualifications and know exactly what they are doing. To be sure of this, they should come with the title; Certified Mold Remediation/ certified Mold Inspector/ Certified Environmental Hygienist An intense search of any poisonous, domestic or bacterial mold invasion; widespread allergens plus cockroaches, dust mites and investigation of drinking water and painted surfaces is what makes up the testing process. Stachybotrys, a black mold, should be specifically looked out for as it is the most hazardous! Next, the specialist deals with any infected area, for instance, carpeting or wallpaper by removing the infected area. It is therefore important for the professional to do a thorough testing in order to detect any contamination. Dryness in surfaces should be maintained at all costs to avoid any future occurrence of contamination. As a preventive measure, home owners as well as contractors should be well educated on this subject to avoid any contamination. Discover the right individual to do the job for you and that way you will definitely get value for your money and live in a clean mold free home.

Hiring and Managing a Home Renovation Contractor - The Do's and Don'ts   Radon Resistance Features and Detecting Test Interferences   What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

The Benefits of Having Castor Wheels Inside Your Homes

Aside from the usual convenience and the mobility that castor wheels provide for you inside the house, there are other indirect benefits that castor wheels give you.

Here are six indirect benefits that your castor wheels give you:

New look to the family members

When was the last time you gave your living room or any room in your house for that matter a new look? Most probably you did when you purchased new household furniture or new king size bed for your bedroom or that new flat screen TV for your living room. So does that mean that you will have to wait for next new purchased object to rearrange the stuffs in your house?

The truth is you can't buy new stuffs every day. But don't let this hinder you from improving the overall atmosphere inside your rooms. Redesigning has positive effects for everyone at home. It gives a sense of rebirth or a new persona to your rooms without even you spending a penny.

The trick is to be radical, be artistic and be open to whole new possibilities. So the next time you think about revitalizing your rather boring, lousy rooms don't decide to buy new stuffs immediately. Use whatever you already have inside your rooms and improvise.

New look to the visitors

Nothing requires more cleaning and preparation than a visitor or two coming over for a nice hearty dinner or just a casual visit from your parents. Rearrangements inside your rooms will surely be appreciated by your visitors rather than them seeing the same arrangement the visit before.

During special occasions

House parties for birthdays or family reunions will invite many people inside your house. Due to this, you need to move your furniture aside to accommodate the expected huge crowd. Castor wheels play a very important role in realizing this without damaging your floor.

Plus, during the party proper, you will find yourself needing to move the seats around whenever the visitors need to sit down. Times like this demand for mobile couches and seats ready to be moved around at a moment's notice and with minimal effort. Small conveniences like this contribute so much to the success of your hosted parties.

Make way for new household objects

Should you acquire new things for the different rooms in your house, the old things that you already have can be conveniently moved. Moreover, it is easier to figure out where the new stuff fits best if you are able to readily rearrange all of the objects inside the room over and over again.

Moving things outside the house

There are numerous occasions when you need to move the furniture and couches outside like barbecue parties, pool parties or just sunbathing in your backyard. Without mobile tables and chairs, you may be discouraged to push through such important family and friend bonding events.

During repairs and maintenance

Home improvements also require a great deal of moving around of your household furniture. You can't just set furniture at a permanent spot in a corner of your room since that single spot where you placed all of your things may also need repairs. It is very unfortunate to have repairs and maintenance and yet end up with some of your stuff damaged in the process.

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Why I Need an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

From October 2008 all buildings whenever sold, built or rented will need an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). The certificate provides energy efficiency A-G ratings and recommendations for improvement. The ratings - similar to those found on products such as fridges - are standard so the energy efficiency of one building can easily be compared with another building of a similar type. Acting on an EPC is important to cut energy consumption, save money on bills and help to safeguard the environment.

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) intended to tell potential buyers or tenants about the energy performance of a building, so they can consider energy efficiency as part of their investment or business decision to buy or occupy that building.

How do I get an EPC?

If you are a landlord or homeowner and need to provide an EPC, you'll need to contact an accredited domestic energy assessor. They will carry out the assessment and produce the certificate.

Accreditation schemes make sure that domestic energy assessors (DEAs) have the right skills and are able to carry out the survey to agreed standards. These schemes make sure that DEAs:

adhere to standards, codes of conduct and procedures are qualified to conduct an energy assessment, produce the certificate and give advice have the correct insurance are part of a register have had a criminal records check have a complaints procedure

How do I find an energy assessor?

Use the energy performance certificate register website to search for an accredited domestic energy assessor. This website run by Landmark, on behalf of the government. You can also find accredited domestic energy assessors by searching online or by looking in the phone book.

How long is my EPC valid for?

EPCs are valid for ten (10) years.

What an EPC costs?

The price of an EPC is set by the market and will depend on the size and location of your property.v Call us on 0844 800 0528 and we will give you all the details over the phone about our pricing you will notice how efficient and very low cost than other companies. If you want us to call you we will call you, simply use the contact us form on our website to leave us a message and we'll be in touch with you soon.

What to do if I am not happy with my EPC?

If you are not happy, you should discuss your complaint with the domestic energy assessor who carried out your assessment. All domestic energy assessors must have a complaints process in place, so they should be able to provide you with a copy of their complaints procedure. If the complaint isn't resolved, you can take it to their accreditation scheme.

When will I be given an EPC?

By law you should receive an EPC in the following cases:

Buying a newly built property Buyers of newly built properties should receive an EPC, free of charge. Renting a property

If you are interested in renting a property, the landlord must make an EPC available to you free of charge. However, you don't need an EPC when you are thinking of just renting a room with shared facilities rather than renting the whole property.

If you are not in one of the above categories

Even if you don't fall into the above categories, you can still apply for and receive an EPC from an energy assessor. This may be because you want to know how energy efficient your home is, and make improvements suggested by the recommendation report. Read 'Energy Performance Certificates - what they are' to find out more about what an EPC contains.

What happens if I am not given an EPC?

If you are not given an EPC when you are entitled to it, you should contact the trading standards department of your local council. Trading standards officers have the power to issue a fixed penalty notice of 200 for domestic properties where an EPC is not provided.

If you are buying a newly built home and an EPC hasn't been provided, you should contact the building control department of your local council.

Read More about EPC FAQ

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Common Misconceptions About Home Energy Efficiency

In today's eco-friendly world there are a lot of statements made that lead you to believe certain products or ideas are all about saving energy. Being ecologically friendly encompasses a real life cause, a niche market, and a gimmick. That means when you are trying to create high levels of efficiency in your home you cannot just go by advertising to make buying choices.

It is a common misconception that when a product is advertised as ecologically friendly that the product is the equivalent of all natural. This is not necessarily true or untrue. It does not have to be. Just like a product in the market can be labeled organic despite only meeting seventy five percent of the requirements, labeling for ecologically improved products can be misleading.

When you are considering the best way to apply various products to your home in order to make it more energy efficient you want to be assured that you are putting your money into a truly efficient product. Since advertisers have such leeway, this is tricky.

Another common misconception is found in the general application of efficiency products. For instance, not all homes are going to benefit in the same way from securing the window edges. For some homes, this is enough to stop drafts. For others, it is only a single step toward a greater goal.

If there is air creeping in through other areas of your house, sealing window edges only takes care of half of the problem. If you are unaware of just how much air comes in through other areas you will be disappointed with the results. Getting the proper airflow correction often requires testing.

If your home has drafts, your heating bill is creeping up, or your cooling costs are astounding testing can open your eyes to exactly what you need to get the most energy efficiency possible. Testing is done by sealing off the room and locating drafts with a smoke product, usually one that is highly visible and can show your the source of each draft.

Moreover, one of the first things you want to look at includes sealing off areas that are obviously creating a space for cold air to enter the home. Households in colder regions need to be sure that there is a strong barrier between the inside and outside of the house. With products like spray foam insulation Portland families can face the bitter chill of the winter rain while Miami residents can maintain better cooling efficiency even in August.

Hiring and Managing a Home Renovation Contractor - The Do's and Don'ts   Radon Resistance Features and Detecting Test Interferences   What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?   Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Druxel Manor - Book Review

Druxel Manor is a stimulating thriller-mystery-romance novel that keeps the reader guessing. Who do you trust? Everyone seems to know a little something but no one is willing to explain - or rather, what is revealed only creates more confusion.

There are three main characters here. Trevor and Angel are adopted siblings who were raised in a life of the privileged -growing up in a mansion and attending only the best of schools. Angel is a dedicated and driven journalist, while her brother is obsessed with his quest to find their biological parents. Their adopted parents' insistent warnings to never try to find their real parents and other small clues drove Trevor to find out the truth. In his bones, he knew something was out of place and what he found out put both of their lives at stake.

Suddenly, Angel finds herself thrown into the midst of a mysterious and dangerous adventure - and she has no idea why. Then James arrives, her rescuer and protector -whether she likes it or not - and her undeniable animal attraction to him turns her world upside down. She must decide who to trust and find out the reason for all the things left unexplained.

Tarra Young performed a difficult task in keeping the pace fast and momentum high in this novel. I never knew what was going to happen next - and all my suspicions were wrong in the end. I thought this book was a fun and interesting read and is an excellent choice for readers who enjoy a good mystery.

Publisher: Publish America, Inc. ISBN#: 1413766242 Author: Tarra Young

Druxel Manor - Book Review   Druxel Manor - Book Review   Unspoken Dreams - Book Review   

Druxel Manor - Book Review

Druxel Manor is a stimulating thriller-mystery-romance novel that keeps the reader guessing. Who do you trust? Everyone seems to know a little something but no one is willing to explain - or rather, what is revealed only creates more confusion.

There are three main characters here. Trevor and Angel are adopted siblings who were raised in a life of the privileged -growing up in a mansion and attending only the best of schools. Angel is a dedicated and driven journalist, while her brother is obsessed with his quest to find their biological parents. Their adopted parents' insistent warnings to never try to find their real parents and other small clues drove Trevor to find out the truth. In his bones, he knew something was out of place and what he found out put both of their lives at stake.

Suddenly, Angel finds herself thrown into the midst of a mysterious and dangerous adventure - and she has no idea why. Then James arrives, her rescuer and protector -whether she likes it or not - and her undeniable animal attraction to him turns her world upside down. She must decide who to trust and find out the reason for all the things left unexplained.

Tarra Young performed a difficult task in keeping the pace fast and momentum high in this novel. I never knew what was going to happen next - and all my suspicions were wrong in the end. I thought this book was a fun and interesting read and is an excellent choice for readers who enjoy a good mystery.

Publisher: Publish America, Inc. ISBN#: 1413766242 Author: Tarra Young

Druxel Manor - Book Review   Druxel Manor - Book Review   Unspoken Dreams - Book Review   

A Ghost in Cornwall

This land is my memories. For two thousand years this valley has been mine alone.

I know every rock, every stream and every tree. I know the forces that shape this land and the people who inhabit it.

A billion years ago this land was a migratory trail for the animals of Western Europe. They roamed freely across the huge land of one continent. Millennia passed as the rivers washed silt to the ocean and the sun raised rain to the sky. At that time the mass of Eurasia was joined. The tectonic plates shifted and islands formed, raising proud, green peninsulas on green water, thrust out to the ocean. Long before my time the forces of nature battled along the coasts of Western Europe. From the Southwest, the Gulf Stream warmed and opened the land with summer heat. From the north, ice raged and cracked the rock of what would become the British Isles.

The land tells me it was an epic struggle. The generous heat of earth, venting her spleen, the wash of the water, cooling and circulating air. Rain succoured the land and ran back to the sea, endless cycles, repeating endlessly. The earth shifted, chasms opened and the sea swept in, submerging areas and separating the islands of Britain and Ireland from the mainland.

Spouts of boiling lava spewed from the molten centre of earth to create granite formations, a source of wonder till the end of time. A great rift opened up what is now the Bristol Channel and the Irish Sea, separating the land into distinct areas. Many characteristics still connect Brittany, Ireland, Wales, and Cornwall. Their joining can still be seen in place and people. But veins of power run through the sea, a matrix of energy criss-crosses the land and reaches out around our planet.

The Phoenicians, Egyptians and Greeks journeyed to these coasts even before the Iron Age, in search of Keltic wisdom, since long before the time of my youth. They followed the trail of gold and wisdom across the sea to Cornwall and then to Wales and Ireland. Later, tin trade followed these routes across Brittany and the journeys of wise men and saints to the west of land, the land of setting sun, of Gods and the quest for immortality that haunts us all. Ships and boats from the French and Spanish coasts often sailed to rivers on the south coast of Cornwall in search of trade and journey with the friendly and civilised Keltii, hopefully avoiding the pirates that have ravaged these coasts for millennia.

2000 years ago I was killed trying to save my mother from Portuguese raiders on the river, who stole the gold that came from Ireland. My story is located in the valley of one of these rivers, now called 'River Fowey'. It is a story that I have not been able to tell until now. My own story starts with the visit of Jesus of Nazareth to the river Fowey in 30 AD (according to the Julian Calendar and allowing for a seven year miscalculation). He was twenty three years old. He journeyed on a vision quest to the west-of-land, in search of the wisdom of the Keltii and union with his father spirit. I have spent much time thinking about this moment and my brief encounter with a man who claimed to be Son of God. For hundreds of years I puzzled at his smile, the light in his gaze. He had a quality of being rare in the extreme, an utter and unconditional compassion for all life.

Who am I? A ghost; Fintan, born 2000 years ago and caught in the matrix of nature unable to tell my story until now. I am here, waiting for you.

Druxel Manor - Book Review   Druxel Manor - Book Review   Unspoken Dreams - Book Review   

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